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Amulettes anciennes bille sacrée Look Aum et Takut du Wat Lahanraï, le temple du Très Vénérable Luang Phor Tim Issarigo (Phra Kru Pawanapirat).
Amulettes anciennes bille sacrée Look Aum et Takut du Wat Lahanraï, le temple du Très Vénérable Luang Phor Tim Issarigo (Phra Kru Pawanapirat).

Ancient sacred ball amulets Look Aum and Takut - Wat Lahanraï. #160

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Ancient sacred ball amulets Look Aum and Takut from Wat Lahanraï, the temple of the Most Venerable Luang Phor Tim Issarigo (Phra Kru Pawanapirat).

Old box decorated with the mystical Yant symbol of the Most Venerable LP Tim, with inside a black and white photo of the Venerable, a sacred Look Aum marble in raw earth and a very rustic gray Takut sacred scroll.
This box appears to be around 50 years old and comes from a private collection.

Length of the takut: 32 mm.
Diameter of the takut: 10 mm.
Ball diameter: 15 mm.
Original temple box: Yes.