Maitreya Buddha (Tibetan: Jetsun Jampa Gonpo ) is a Mahābodhisattvawho would be the next Buddha to come when the teaching of Shakyamuni Buddha will have disappeared. * Belief in the advent of Maitreya is common to the Theravada and Mahāyāna schools of Buddhism. * In the distant future (about 5000 years after Parinirvana of Shakyamuni Buddha), when the Buddhist teachings will have died out, Maitreya Buddha will incarnate to teach the Holy Dharma again. * The Most Holy Nagarjuna describes devotion to Maitreya as an easy path to Awakening. * Maitreya Buddha is known as a protector of beings, wearing an amulet with your image is a powerful safeguard against the vagaries of material life and gives a physical link with the Buddha of the future.