Tibetan Thogchag amulets .
Tibetan Thogchag amulets (whose name means “heavenly iron”)
were at the time of their legendary origins
composed of meteoritic iron.
Nowadays, Thogchag are either unusual ancient objects
(most often metal, but sometimes stone),
or bronze (or iron) amulets made by sacred artisans
and sometimes then consecrated by certain Masters.
Thogchag can take many forms:
- Ritual instruments ( Dorje, Phurba, Melong ...)
- Tantric deity ( Chana Dorje, Garuda, Citipati )
- Plaque bearing a Mantra.
- Neolithic ax head and various antique objects and weapons.
The Thogchag are seen as powerful protections by the Tibetans,
who wear them as pendants and sometimes add them to their malas.
Learn more about Tibetan Thogchag amulets.