Thai Phra Kling amulets.
Thai Phra Kling (or Phra Kring ) amulets
owe their name to the little sound of a bell they produce
when shaken. Phra Kling amulets indeed contain
most of the time a little sacred pearl,
it is she who produces this pleasant little noise.
These amulets most often have the shape
of Sangye Menla Medicine Buddha.
But we also sometimes find them in the shape of other Tibetan deities
( Dölma, Chenrezi, Dzambhalla or Manjushri ),
like famous Venerables, Lersi hermits
or animals such as tigers
or even Hindu deities like Ganesh .
Phra Kling are one of the most classic types of Thai amulets
and "pure", their magical effects depend on their form
and blessings given by the Venerables.
Learn more about Phra Kling amulets.