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Amulette Takut Salika Ling Thong - Vénérable LP Mian Kalyano.

Takut Salika Ling Thong Amulet - Venerable LP Mian Kalyano. #456

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Takut Salika Ling Thong – Venerable Luang Phor Mian Kalyano (Wat Janiang Wanaram, Buriram)


This Takut Salika Ling Thong amulet is a powerful amulet blessed by the venerable Luang Phor Mian Kalyano , respected master of Wat Janiang Wanaram (Wat Ban Janian, Buriram province). This venerable, born in 1939 and of Cambodian origin, is a disciple of the very venerable Luang Phor Suwang , known for his deep knowledge of esoteric sciences and the sacred blessings of Khmer magic.

This amulet is specifically dedicated to charm, harmonious relationships and success in communication . It is said to promote social interactions, persuasion and attraction, making its wearer more eloquent and convincing.

The amulet consists of a sacred takut decorated with Salika Ling Thong birds enclosed in a custom-made reliquary , engraved with specific yantras and blessings. It is ideal for people working in sales, negotiation or any activity requiring increased powers of persuasion.

Benefits and virtues

  • Improves communication and eloquence.
  • Increases charisma and personal attractiveness.
  • Protects against negative energies and malicious influences.
  • Brings luck and success in human relationships.


  • Origin: Wat Janiang Wanaram, Buriram.
  • Master Blesser: Venerable Luang Phor Mian Kalyano.
  • Materials: Sacred Takut in a custom-made golden reliquary.
  • Dimensions: 45 mm.
  • Weight: 5 grams.