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Amulettes du Bouddha d'émeraude Phra Geow Morakot.

Emerald Buddha Amulets Phra Geow Morakot. #359

Politique d'expédition et frais de port.
Envois des commandes sous 2 jours ouvrés
Livraison en 10 jours environ
Produits certifiés authentiques

Shipping policy and postage.
Orders shipped within 2 working days
Delivery in approximately 10 days
Certified authentic products

Beautiful Emerald Buddha Amulet Phra Geow Morakot Heema Ruedu
(in winter attire), dedicated at Wat Phra Geow in 2003.

Height: 60 mm.
Width: 30 mm.
Weight: approximately 40 grams.
New custom decorated reliquary: Yes.